Chiropractic clinic in Tempe, Arizona

Testimonials from Dr. JJ Levine's chiropractic patients

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been using Dr J.J. Levines services for several years. I am completely satisfied with my results, and am happy to recommend Dr Levine. Thank you for all of your help. Rich Rogers

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before I visited Dr. JJ, I had this chronic aching in the middle of my back. It felt like a small chard of glass at times. My neck would be numb after a long day on the computer. After about 1 month of adjustments, the pain and numbness went away.

Dr. JJ also was a great support in helping me to stop smoking. I feel healthy again.

Dr. JJ truly cares about your well being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been visiting Dr.JJ for an upper cervical subluxation problem that I have been battling for over 4 years. He has helped me become pain free which has totally changed the quality of my life. I highly recommend his sevices, especially in the area of upper cervical subluxations! Thank you for your help,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was working in the yard and suddenly, my back was hurting for no reason. I usually just take some pain reliever and it goes away in a day, but this time it didn't. After almost 2 weeks of pain, I gave in and went to see Dr. JJ. He adjusted me and the pain was less immediately and completely within a day. He also discovered that my hips were crooked, which had been hurting me every time I exercised too much. I am now receiving weekly adjustments and feel great! Thanks Dr. JJ!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. JJ is more than a finely tuned master of chiropractic. He is a true healer who practices the hypocratic oath. Doctors are no longer required to take it and I believe it shows in the lack of empathy and care many show their patients. Dr. JJ not only heals the body with his hands, he heals the spirit with his generosity and kindness, with the reassuring concern he displays for every one who walks through his doors. Not only has he released me from the jail of pain I was in, he boosts my spirits by making me feel like I matter. I have seen chiropractors my entire life and never met one who cares the way he does. It is my priviledge to be his patient. Joanna

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Dr Levine because I was having severe headhaches. After being adjusted weekly my headaches are completely gone. I would suggest him to anyone that has chronic migranes.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have been to many chiropractors over the last 20 years and I have to say Dr. J.J. is the best one I have ever sought treatment from. He is truly gifted in his field. His specialized upper cervical neck adjustments have brought be back from constant dizziness and vertigo, brain fog, etc., to only occasional bouts now and then. I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease (an inner ear problem) 2 years ago and Dr. J.J. has given me the most relief of any of the alternative practitioners I have sought care from. It took me a few months but now I am almost symptom free and only need to visit Dr. J.J. for monthly checks and/or adjustments. His warm smile and positive attitude are infectious. Thanks again Dr. J.J. for all you have done for me..

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came to Dr. J.J.Levine's office in severe pain from the Sciatica nerve, from my hip down my leg and into my foot. I went to MD's and all they could do was give pain pills, which I was taking frequently with not much help. After being under Dr.JJ's care for about 2 Weeks I am pain free and further treatment have cleared neck aches and head aches. I would truly recommend Dr.J.J.Lavine's services to anyone in pain!
Thank you Dr.J.J. Rose B.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in a lot of pain and had a hard time walking one session and the pain nearly went away. I couldn't believe how quickly he could help. I'm so greatful.
Joanne Schlueter

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suffered from severe headaches ever since I was a little girl. Within two weeks of Dr. JJ's chiropractic adjustments, my sinus' had opened, and my headaches were almost completely gone. I never knew how amazing chiropractic was untill I met Dr. Levine. I just graduated from chiropractic school, and I hope to one day have the type of impact on my patient's that JJ has on his. THANKS!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I moved i miss him he cracks me up

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only has Dr. Levine helped me with my neck injuries, he has also helped me with my Vasculitis.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My neck now has full range of motion

Anonymous Anonymous said...

After 8 weeks of care I can tell you that....
* I have not used an inhaler because I no longer have asthma or upper respiratory problems.
* My allergies, headaches and sinus troubles are gone.
*I am no longer taking medications for depression or sleep disorders.
* I am no longer taking Prednisone for Arthritis.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Jonathan Levine:
Thank you! These simple words seem so inadequate for what has happened to me.
For years I have taken numerous medications for my allergies. They were so bad that I could not visit the homes of friends that have pets. I could not hug my children after they have been in contact with pets at their friend's homes.
After learning from you about Subluxation and getting my adjustments, I am pleased to inform you that I am no longer taking medications. I can visit my friends without the worry of swollen eyes, an itchy throat or lack of breath. My children are also happy to have hugs once again.
Thanks again,
Kaye D. and Family

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so much better now. I have almost maximum flexibiliy in both my neck and knee. I am walking normally again.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so much better. I am on no medication, blood pressure is normal, no headaches back pain or neck pain.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My neck feels better. my eyesight has improved. I noticed one day while driving to work that I could see better with my glasses off than with them on! People are telling me that I look more relaxed and at peace.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I came here I had headaches, shoulder and neck pain, lower back pain and was having problems with intestine and bowel trouble. My vision is better with regular visits my pain is gone and I am in control of my irratable bowel syndrome.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Levine,
I just wanted to take a second and thank you. I am feeling so much better than before. And for the first time in 4 years I can lift my left arm without pain.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last summer was the first time my asthma has subsided. For the first time since 1996, my lung capacity reading had reached 100%. My doctor couldn't believe it and he had me repeat the test 2 more times to make sure the reading was correct. My usual readings fell between 68 and 75%. In addition, my cholesterol level went from 236 to 196. That is the lowest it has been since 1996. In fact this is the 1st time i was able to accomplish this without taking cholesterol medication. the medication I was taking had too many side effects that I didn't like.
You and Angie will always have a special place in our hearts ans we will never forget what you have done for us.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you. I came in because of low back pain but had the added benefit of having my carpal tunnell syndrome symptoms relieved.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. J. J.,
I feel awesome after my adjustment! My lower back and my knee are both great!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came to see Dr. J.J. for severe shoulder pain. After a few weeks my pain is gone, along with the stiffness in my neck and upper back that I have had for years. I would recommend Dr. J.J. to everyone!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was not a chiropractic believer and really thought I would just give Dr. JJ a try. I have dealt with upper back pain for years. Within 2 sessions with Dr. JJ I was feeling 75% better and by 3 weeks of visits I enjoy being pain free for this first time in more years than I can remember. In addition I recently had a problem with my ankle and my general practitioner put me on high doses of Ibuprophen. Dr. JJ took one look at it, said it was out of place and in one vist it was fixed without needing any medication. I'm a believer!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. JJ really took the time to explain my treatment options and what he believed would help me the most. He also showed me exactly what was going on with my body and why I had the pain. After his first adjustment I could take a deep breath again. I had also started to experience a cloudy or a foggy feeling in my head, which now has completely disappeared. Thanks again Dr JJ.
- Joyce

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first visit was for extreme lower back pain, with shooting pains down the left leg from time to time. By the third visit I was nearly pain free - plus a bonus! In the third visit a neck adjustment was made, and for the first time in nearly 20 years I had full range of motion in my neck, able to turn my head fully in both directions. Thank you Dr. Levine.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the past couple of years, I have been with my doctor to reduce my bad cholesterol count. Changing my diet has some positive effect. However, taking the LifePak supplements resulted in dramatic results! Now my cholesterol levels are normal.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first started coming to Dr Levine I was in my late 20's and looked like an old lady with a hump in my back. I am now standing perfectly straight!!!

Plus, the vitamins he suggested have greatly improved my overall energy level, as I used to always be very tired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Dr. J.J. introduced me to the Pharmanex supplements my carotenoid score was 15,000. I am now at 50,000. I am thrilled!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been in pain ever since I was in an accident at the age of 15 and it has gotten progressively worse. I had only been to MD's and put off going to a chiropractor until one day the pain was so severe that I couldn't stand it. After just one treatment with Dr. Levine I was able to take a deep breath, which I hadn't been able to do for years. I am now 23 and Dr. Levine has me on my way back to living a pain free life. I just can't believe how fast it is working.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Dr. JJ for your sensitivity, consideration and talent. My back and neck haven't felt this good in years!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have been to probably 15 different Chiropractors over the last 20 years. We noticed after the 3rd treatment that you were the best that we had treat us. Your treatment is so gentle but so very effective. It really works, quickly. Thanks, Steve & Jeannie.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a little story for your office...

Yesterday, Laiken was playing with her cousins at their house while we were over visiting. Laiken loves to go up the extremely steep steps at their house. One of her older cousin's picked her up to get her off of the stairs and accidentally hit her elbow on the metal stair railing. Of course the shrieking scream came from only feet away and the loud words MOMMY! Long story short, Laiken did not want to move her arm! She calmed down and fell asleep and we were able to determine that her arm did not "look" broken. We finally got her situated comfortably in her car seat to make the trek home. Once we were home, she was fine if no one touched her and she did not move. So, we made the decision to take her to the Emergency Room to get it checked out to be sure. When we got in the car; we once again explained to Laiken that we were going to take her to the Doctor and get her arm checked out to see how we could make it all better. As we were driving down the road she said, " Mommy you take me to Dr. JJ and he make my arm all better." Of course it was late at night on a Sunday and we were not going to see Dr. JJ, but Mommy replied, " yes Dr. JJ would make your all better. He is a good Doctor." She then said once more, " yes, you take me to Dr. JJ and he make my arm all better." Laiken wanted me to ask God to put his healing hands on her arm and so we prayed together and then she was tired and I told her to take a nap and off to sleep she went. It ends up she had Nurse Maid's Elbow, which is a subluxation in the elbow that is really common in small kids. She had pretty much already popped her elbow back into place before the Doctor had a chance to adjust her, but we woke her anyway to check to see if she could use her arm and to her surprise, she could push the button and then was not quite sure which arm was hurt. Then she noticed they were both working and she clapped them together in joy and pushed two more buttons on the toy, before she realized her ordeal was over and it was definitely time to go back to bed. So, Dr. JJ in short; even our two year old baby girl realizes what a benefit you are in our lives. We thank you for all of your wonderful years of love and support and helping our bodies do what they need to; naturally. We hope that you know we appreciate you and even though you were not the one putting her arm back in place; we were all wishing it had been you because we know you pour your heart and soul into adjusting each and every one of your patients. And this morning when Laiken woke up, she said, "Yes, my arms all better, thank you Dr. JJ; you fixed my arm!"

Anonymous Patricia Palermo said...

July 01, 2009

Dear Dr. J. J. Levine,

I am a victim of modern technology so that is why I am typing this letter to you. With spell check and a number of other grammar checks, the MS Word document has become a norm for me. I don’t want this technology to take away the personal touch of my message.

I have been receiving Chiropractic care for twenty-five years or more and never experienced the instant relief that I have from your adjustments. Not that I have not seen credible doctors, but the relief came later.

There are a few significant changes in my body that I want to share with you. Once being the most important to me and that is sleep. With the current media telling the public about Acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol which, as you know, I take to relieve h so I can sleep, I could not have found you at a better time.

I no longer take any pain relievers for daytime or nighttime relief.

I have immediately started using “my pillow” which was replaced years ago with a bath towel simply folded to allow for a flat surface to lay my head.

When I remove the external hair from my axillary area the motion of tilting my head caused floating spots in front of my eyes and dizziness. I just by fluke or habit of tilting the head noticed the dizziness and spots are gone.

As a person who already knows her body, I know there are many other changes happening internally that I cannot feel, but know changes are taking course to my better health.

Dr. Levine I cannot thank you enough for listening to me and knowing what I needed for my pesky neck pain. May the wind always be at your back and goodness always be with you.

Your Happy Patient,

Patricia Palermo

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been having a lot of pain in my hip. I thought that I was just getting older and perhaps would need a hip replacement. I told Dr. Levine about it. He adjusted me and the pain is gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was referred to Dr Levine in regards to my 6-year-old Chihuahua and his back injury. My vet was intuitive enough to tell us not to put him down, but offered no solution other than surgery to
“ possibly fix him”. When I mentioned chiropractics, he blasted back with, “it would never work because quadrupeds were not like humans and you’ll probably hurt him”. Hurt him, he’s dragging his rear legs in pain…how can we hurt him anymore? So we went looking for a special chiropractor that understands both humans and quadrupeds. Max, our dog is no longer dragging both of his back legs and is well on the road to recovery. He can run and play like he use to. We also provide our dogs a more nutritious diet. Less dog food and more fresh chicken, rice, veggies and Dr Levines treatments! By the way, when we took Max in for his follow up with the vet…our vet was slacked jawed when he saw Max run in to see him. I told him it was the chiropractics and he was speechless. I have a profound respect for the medical industry, but lets not forget it is an “Industry”. When chiropractics are put in the face of medicine, medicine goes dark. I know chiropractics will not fix every dog, but it worked for Max. We are so happy he is responding well to Dr. Levines treatments!!

Thank you Dr. Levine. Max looks forward to his next visit.
Two paws up!
Best wishes,
Scott and Wendy Rose

Anonymous Chelsea said...

My daughter began suffering from ear infections when she turned 1. After about 8 months of constant infections I decided to bring her to Dr. JJ Levine. She's been seeing him for about 6 months now and hasn't had a single ear infection since that very first visit. I couldn't be happier with the results.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JJ I love the chiropractic care you give! You are so awesome at what you do, I feel Great when I see you and I no longer have the pain that i had for two years! Thank you and keep up the good Work! Elitia.

Blogger Brittany said...

Dr J.J. is an amazing guy. I called him up out of the blue to see if I could hang around him at his office, because I wanted to know more about chiropractic care. So for six months I would go to his office and talk with him and his patients. Now I'm currently attending Life University College of Chiropractics. I look up to Dr J.J. as a role model/mentor and I tell everyone about this amazing chiropractor out in Tempe, AZ and how he is the best I've seen and had adjust me. I hope to continue to learn from him and as Dr and a person. Thanks to him, his office staff and his family.

Anonymous Gina G said...

Words cannot express how grateful I am for the treatment I received from JJ. JJ healed a couple of my ailments; one being depression due to my top 2 vertebrae being out of alignment & choking off my brain stem, blocking free nerve flow. But the MAIN ailment I suffered from was asthma & it's a scary disease to have because not being able to breathe is very frightening.I was inhaler dependent all of my teenage & adult life. I was constantly hospitalized or going to the ER & there were many times when I would misplace my inhaler & panic if I'd start to wheeze because I wouldn't have the breathe to look for it & would end up going to the ER. I hated that I had asthma because it hindered me from doing so much in life. I was on the high school track team & I carried my school to the state championships but couldn't compete in the race because my Dr. advised against it since I had trouble breathing in the days leading up to the event. Since breathing is part of my living arrangements(pun intended)I had to make sure I filled my Rx when it got low but sometimes I would forget. I have ADHD so I was constantly pushing my luck by waiting til the last minute to fill my Rx, & was always forgetting my inhaler when I went somewhere, or misplace it & it made things more difficult than they needed to be. Then I started going to JJ because I worked for someone who knew him & referred him to me. I had NO idea that Chiropractic care would heal my ailments. I thought it was only for back & neck injuries or car accident victims. As I became more educated about the benefits of Chiropractic, I became optimistic about my appts with JJ & after 6 or so adjustments, I started to see a change in my breathing. Suddenly, without even realizing it, I had not puffed on my inhaler in weeks! as time went on, I was off my inhaler altogether! I always believed that asthmatics were never cured & thought I'd have asthma all my life! Well, I am living & BREATHING proof that that is NOT the case! I've been off my inhaler for 10 yrs now & haven't had one episode of asthma or any breathing difficulty whatsoever! I cannot thank JJ enough! They say once ppl feel better they stop taking their meds & my chiropractic care was no exception. Once I felt better & didn't need my inhaler anymore,I stopped making my appts with JJ.
I just felt so much better & ppl usually only see a doctor when they aren't feeling well. Chiropractic permanently rid me of my inhaler for good! it's been 10 yrs since I've used one & I owe it all to JJ. From now on, I am committed to my health & well being & committed to seeing JJ regularly so that I can maintain my good health. Thank you JJ for all you have done for me. You are truly the best.

Blogger Teresa Wilson said...

Dr. JJ is amazing. He got me back into alignment after I gave birth to my first child. I brought my baby in with me and Dr. JJ said that his intestines were a bit out of place (which would explain why he had difficulty having regular bowel movements for a few months now). That very same night, he had a bowel movement just as Dr Levine predicted...he has been regular ever since! THANK YOU Dr. JJ Levine!!

Blogger Christine said...

Dr. JJ is awesome! When I first came to him I was on my last leg. I had excruciating pain most of my life. Neck pain, headaches, TMJ and chronic arm pain. Within a month the pain started going away. Thank you Dr. JJ!

Blogger Christine said...

On my, my neck is perfect what a difference thanks! You can never leave me and my family k?! People really don't know the blessing they are missing out on!

Anonymous Van W. Dacayo said...

Dr.JJ has been adjusting my daughter for a few months now. my daughter who has CVS, (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome). As Dr. JJ has been adjusting her, we have seen her episodes of this CVS are less severe and lasting for only 3 -4 days, verses 5-7 days. Her Asthma and severe Environmental Allergies are less and less frequent. Thank You Dr.JJ. for ALL you do for us ALL

Anonymous Van W. Dacayo said...

Dr. JJ has helped me when my foot was hurting. I went walking and was in bad pain on my right foot. With about 6 adjustments, my foot and ankle are NOW Good to go walking and cycling again. Thank You Very Much Dr.JJ

Anonymous Van W. Dacayo said...

I have been utilizing Dr.JJ'.s services for about a year now. I had back, neck, knee, and shoulder issues. He has been adjusting me on a regular basis, weekly. I want to Thank You Dr.JJ
Please utilize this Dr. for your HEALTH!!!
His Essante Organically Products are AWESOME!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rarely write things like this - I have been to THE top valley ENT doctor for my Meniere's disease (incurable inner ear issue). The management of the disease is a low salt diet, rest, anti-vertigo pills when extreme dizziness kicks in. I never went to a chiropractor before Dr. JJ - didn't "believe" in them but was willing to give any possible solution a try. I researched a half dozen upper cervical chiropractic specialist in the valley. My vertigo is gone, I eat the way I want, I can work late and be over tired. He is in my opinion, what has allowed me to continue to excel on a day to day basis because he is the #1 (or very close to) Chiro from a technical perspective but hands down the person who you would want caring for your mom/daughter/brother etc. He is simply compassionate about his patients care.


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